Wednesday, April 2, 2008


So I wasn't accepted to the Bust Spring Craftacular. I am so bummed out. It looked like it was going to be the coolest show, with open bar, a DJ, and all sorts of other fun stuff. But I guess I'm just not cool enough. Oh well, there is an upside...I was so sure that I would be doing this show, that I've been busily working on new pieces for it. Now I have a ton of new ideas swirling, and a lot of new work to list in my Etsy shop. I spent the whole day yesterday photographing and photoshopping the new work, and will be listing them throughout the coming days. You can get a sneak peak here! Leave a comment if you would like something reserved before it goes up for sale.


yellowplum said...

On you not getting into Bust: *their* loss! Your work is awesome.

neile said...

thank you so much. That is so cool of you to say!

Lady Bracknell said...

Oh, wow!

I would just love it if you could reserve the top one and the bottom one for me.

Unfortunately, that would mean you wouldn't eat. Well, either that or I would have to give up the osteopathy and the acupuncture. Shortly after which drastic measure, I would have to stop working and would therefore suffer a dramatic drop in income.

Ah well. Some lucky person will love them. And no doubt it wouldn't be good for me to be able to have everything I want in life!

GreenSpaceGoods said...

NOT COOL ENOUGH!!!! Are you kidding? Your work is amazing. I agree with yellowplumbeads- they obviously don't know what their missing.

Danielle Muller said...

they obviously have vision problems...i LOVE your work. i have one of your necklaces and whenever i wear it i get stopped in the street and asked about it.
